Join us for another free training webinar on multi-stakeholder working on Tuesday 1st August at 9am EDT. This online event is held collaboration with the World Bank, after two previous successful sessions with hundreds of people.

This webinar will provide participants with the opportunity to consider in more detail the practical challenges associated with putting specific features of the CoST approach into practice. You’ll get to:

  • Learn about the relevant tools and guidance that has proved effective in practice
  • Apply those approaches to realistic scenarios
  • Select the scenarios

We have unrivalled experience of putting such great transparency and accountability into practice in over 20 countries, and we’re supporting the World Bank EFI Governance to enhance transparency and anti-corruption in the public procurement of infrastructure projects. This includes delivering online training to World Bank staff which are open to all to attend. These training webinars have the objective of building the capacity and confidence of participants to put infrastructure transparency, participation, and accountability awareness into practice.

This event provides a deep dive into how infrastructure transparency can be institutionalized into government systems in a manner that ensures that disclosed data is turned into information that is both relevant to the needs of, and trusted by, key stakeholder groups. It includes an overview of the OC4IDS data standard, including recent refinements.

The training guards against the notion that transparency is necessarily effective in curbing corruption risks. Rather, it highlights how the combination of multi-stakeholder working and tools such as the CoST Assurance process, data analytics and the Infrastructure Transparency Index can help stakeholders make effective use of infrastructure data and ultimately contribute to improved procurement outcomes.

This session will be led by Hamish Goldie-Scot, our Technical Adviser and Evelyn Hernandez, our Head of Members and Affiliates, as well as Majed El-Bayya, Lead Procurement Specialist, EGVPF and Serdar Yilmaz, Practice Manager, EGVPF, both from the World Bank.

There will also be Spanish interpretation for this session.

Sign up here